Inevitably, this drew the ire of the beleaguered, but nevertheless proud and mighty Roman Empire, who now work with rival tribes to combat Sclavenian incursions. The Sclavenians, in particular, were known to be an aggressive people who took advantage of the weakened and thinly-spread Imperial armies, raiding Thrace and Illyricum - intent on finding both loot and a place to settle. They were all, the Romans supposed, descended from the same tribe, eventually branching off into extended family groups or clans. The name 'Sclaveni' literally translates as 'land of the Slavs'. Roman historians divided the various Slavic tribes into Venedians, Anteans and Sclavenians, based on geography. There's not enough info on youtube or reddit on the slavs can't really find any good guides.Descended from a noble, pure line of Slavic ancestors, the Sclavenians will see the Slavic people endure and prosper, through blood and battle! I feel like I'm missing something though.

I don't know what to do at this point I'm beating full stack armies with 5 units but I'm going bankrupt and I'm suffering attrition from famine, what I do wrong what could I do next play through? I'm thinking I should have ignored their armies and razed all the provinces around me, then use the money to grow tall with my one settlement. Now I lost my second settlement and I can't take it back because the AI replenished the same turn they took the settlement. I've been winning siege battles with almost no losses cheesing the game but every building is destroyed. Every turn after every nation besides other slavic nations declared war and a steady stream of full stacked armies would besiege my settlements in a queue. What can I do? Turn one I tried diplomacy offering gold no one would accept trade or NAP, I built troops, and improved buildings.

Some how they manage to grow their nation and build a full stack of troops every turn, obviously I realize my situation is because I'm a low skill player. My settlements are besieged by a full stack of troops every turn by every other nation. I'm playing as a slavic nation and I'm only on hard, the initial challenge is easy, and from turn 2 every turn there after is another nation declares war.